Annotate Youtube and Vimeo Videos

19.11.22 04:10 PM - By Shankar

Unleashing the annotator/secondary creator economy

When we started our journey 18 months back, helping creators draw annotations on videos, many people we spoke to said it would be great if we could let them annotate Youtube and Vimeo hosted videos. After all, there are 100s of millions of videos on Youtube, where the creators have granted permissions to embed in other websites! The possibilities are endless in education, business, sports etc.

We have released a preview version of our Youtube/Vimeo annotations feature. 

Given the football/soccer fever with the World Cup around the corner, we are sharing here below an annotated version of India' Indian Super League (ISL) highlights video hosted publicly on Youtube. This video is annotated from the perspective of a fan. It demonstrates the power of annotations in adding value to Youtube/Vimeo videos where the original creator has allowed embedding permissions in external websites (such as BanyanBoard).

We will be sharing many more examples in days to come. Stay tuned!
