Introducing Live Interactive Video Summaries of YouTube Streams

03.04.23 06:21 AM - By Shyam

BanyanBoard has just released a new and exciting feature that is set to revolutionize the way we interact with live video content. Introducing Live Interactive Video Summaries of YouTube Streams - a capability that no other product currently offers. This feature allows users to create interactive dashboards and graphics that enable them to click and see the highlights they want from live streaming videos.

Whether you're a professional producer, a viewer or a reviewer, you can take advantage of this new feature with ease. The interactive dashboards and graphics are produced in real-time using tags applied to video streams. This allow you to start engaging your fans and viewers right away, without any delay or extra post-production effort on your part.

Why Are We Doing This?

Live video streaming has become increasingly popular in recent years, but viewers often only want to see the highlights of an event. With BanyanBoard's new feature, users can easily create interactive summaries that showcase only the most exciting moments of a stream. This not only enhances the viewing experience but also allows streamers to improve fan engagement and broadcast likeability.

Path to Digital Transformation

In addition to these short-term benefits, BanyanBoard's Live Interactive Video Summaries have long-term benefits as well. Each individual tagged video clip is permanently available for future analysis and review by players, coaches, and analysts. This repository of information makes it easy to generate KPIs, conduct referee performance assessments, and create other applications that require tagged video clips.

Moreover, BanyanBoard's software can be white-labeled by other access-controlled cloud applications, which means that organizations can present it to fans and users as their own. This makes it easy for sports organizations to digitally transform and engage with their fans in new and exciting ways.

How Does It Work?

Step 1: Pull a YouTube stream by pasting it's URL. BanyanBoard allows tagging of a variety of video sources, but we will focus on using YouTube streams in this post.

Pull YouTube stream

Step 2: Design a tagging template. Tagging templates decide how a video's clips should be tagged. A sample template is shown below for tagging a squash game. A well designed template allows quick tagging of a variety of events in video streams, making statistics and highlights that much richer. Duration of each tag, hotkeys for tags, button colors etc. are all defined in the tagging template designed.

Step 3: Live-tag YouTube video stream. This can be done using BanyanBoard's Tagger app or a customized scoring+tagging app. The Tagger app is shown below. Each event in video is tagged with tags created in the tagging template shown earlier in step 2.

Step 4: View summary of results via a filterable interactive matrix dashboard. Clicking each statistic brings up a video playlist with just those events.

Step 5: View results in a more graphics-friendly format. These dashboards are dynamic and automatically change with game state (eg: warm-up, set 1, half-time etc.). They are also available via URLs and come with green screen backgrounds so that they be used directly during broadcasting.

In summary, BanyanBoard's Live Interactive Video Summaries of YouTube Streams is a game-changer for anyone who streams live content. With its real-time interactive dashboards and graphics, users can easily create engaging summaries of live events, which enhances the viewing experience and improves fan engagement. Moreover, the long-term benefits of this feature, such as permanent video clip repositories, make it an essential tool for sports organizations that want to digitally transform and engage with their fans.
